Lambda Expressions In Entity Framework
From the two options I mentioned in my last post, I chose lambda expression for this post for those programmers who are not much comfortable with SQL like LINQ query. Microsoft gives us very good option called “Lambda Expression”. In this post I am going to demonstrate below operations:
So, that’s all for today. My next post will be for bulk insert / update / delete operations using entity framework. Will try to post it by tomorrow. Bye for now…
- Simple select query using LINQ & Simple select query using lambda expression
- Select query with where condition using LINQ & select query with where condition using lambda expression
- Inner Join using LINQ & Inner Join using lambda expression
- Left Join using LINQ & Left Join using lambda expression
- Group by using LINQ & Group by using lambda expression
- Sorting using LINQ & Sorting using lambda expression
- Simple select:
// Using LINQ Employee[] allEmployees1 = (from E in NorthwindEntity.Employees select E).ToArray(); // Using lambda expression Employee[] allEmployees2 = NorthwindEntity.Employees.ToArray(); // Where condition using LINQ Employee[] allEmployees1 = (from E in NorthwindEntity.Employees where E.ReportsTo == 1 select E).ToArray(); // Where condition using lambda expression Employee[] allEmployees2 = NorthwindEntity.Employees.Where(w => w.ReportsTo == 1).ToArray();
- Join using:
// JOIN using LINQ var allData1 = from E in NorthwindEntity.Employees from O in NorthwindEntity.Orders where E.EmployeeID == O.EmployeeID select new { Employees = E, Orders = O }; // JOIN using lambda expressions var allData2 = NorthwindEntity.Employees // Source table .Join(NorthwindEntity.Orders // Target table , E => E.EmployeeID // EmployeeID of Employees table , O => O.EmployeeID // EmployeeID of Orders table , (E, O) => new { Employees = E, Orders = O }) .Select(s => new { s.Employees, s.Orders }); // .Select() method can be ignored as it's already been selected in .join() method
- Left join:
// LEFT JOIN using LINQ var allProductsWithCategory1 = from p in NorthwindEntity.Products let c = (from c in NorthwindEntity.Categories where c.CategoryID == p.CategoryID select c).FirstOrDefault() select new { Productname = p.ProductName, CategoryName = c.CategoryName }; // LEFT JOIN using lambda expression var allProductsWithCategory2 = NorthwindEntity.Products // Source table .GroupJoin(NorthwindEntity.Categories // Target table , p => p.CategoryID // Product's CategoryID , c => c.CategoryID // CategoryID , (p, c) => new { products = p, categories = c }) .SelectMany(s => s.categories.DefaultIfEmpty() , (s, categories) => new { ProductName = s.products.ProductName, CategoryName = categories.CategoryName });
- Group by:
- Sorting:
// Group by using LINQ var AllEmployee1 = from E in NorthwindEntity.Employees group E by E.LastName into G select new { LastName = G.Key, Group = G }; // Group by using lambda expression var AllEmployee2 = NorthwindEntity.Employees.GroupBy(g => g.LastName) .Select(s => new { LastName = s.Key, Group = s }); foreach (var employees in AllEmployee2) // OR in AllEmployee1 { // employees.Group is the current group // Here you will find each group ( using employees.Group ) for employees.LastName foreach (var employee in employees.Group) { // Here you will find each employee in particular group // You can access each property of Employee object here. } }
// Order by using LINQ var allEmployeesASCE1 = from E in NorthwindEntity.Employees orderby E.LastName ascending select E; var allEmployeesDESC1 = from E in NorthwindEntity.Employees orderby E.LastName descending select E; // Order by using lambda expressions var allEmployeesASCE2 = NorthwindEntity.Employees.OrderBy(o => o.LastName); var allEmployeesDESC2 = NorthwindEntity.Employees.OrderByDescending(o => o.LastName);
So, that’s all for today. My next post will be for bulk insert / update / delete operations using entity framework. Will try to post it by tomorrow. Bye for now…
ReplyDeleteCan you please create a sample for Mutiple table Left join.