From Northwind database, to show all available products it needs to select values from multiple tables because in Products table there are two columns – CategoryID and SupplierID which are referenced from Category and Suppliers tables. There are more then one options to do this but I use below way to select from multiple tables and bind to grid. First of all create a class and create properties, ProductID, ProductName, CompanyName, CategoryName, UnitPrice. These are the properties which I want to show in grid. public class AvailableProducts { public int ProductID { get ; set ; } public string ProductName { get ; set ; } public string CompanyName { get ; set ; } public string CategoryName { get ; set ; } public decimal UnitPrice { get ; set ; } } Now, write below function in data access layer: public List < AvailableProducts > GetAllAvailableProducts() { var linqAllProducts = from p in NorthwindEntity.Products from c in NorthwindEntity.Categories from s in NorthwindEntity.Supp...